Aqua ✔黑色的
Black ✔蓝色
Blue ✔紫红色
Fuchsia ✔绿色
Green ✔灰色的
Gray ✔酸橙
Lime ✔栗色
Maroon ✔海军
Navy ✔橄榄
Olive ✔紫色的
Purple ✔红色的
Red ✔银
Silver ✔蓝绿色
Teal ✔白色的
White ✔黄色的
Yellow ✔爱丽丝蓝
Aliceblue ✔古董白
Antiquewhite ✔蓝晶
Aquamarine ✔天蓝色
Azure ✔浅褐色的
Beige ✔浓汤
Bisque ✔布兰查德蒙德
Blanchedalmond ✔紫罗兰色
Blueviolet ✔棕色的
Brown ✔burlywood
Burlywood ✔cadetblue
Cadetblue ✔黄绿色
Chartreuse ✔巧克力
Chocolate ✔珊瑚
Coral ✔矢车菊蓝色
Cornflowerblue ✔玉米丝
Cornsilk ✔赤红
Crimson ✔青色
Cyan ✔深蓝
Darkblue ✔深蓝
Darkcyan ✔暗金杆
Darkgoldenrod ✔深灰色
Darkgray ✔深绿色
Darkgreen ✔Darkkhaki
Darkkhaki ✔深洋红色
Darkmagenta ✔深橄榄绿色
Darkolivegreen ✔深橙色
Darkorange ✔兰花
Darkorchid ✔深红
Darkred ✔黑鲑
Darksalmon ✔深海绿色
Darkseagreen ✔深蓝色
Darkslateblue ✔黑暗崩解
Darkslategray ✔深蓝绿色
Darkturquoise ✔暗紫
Darkviolet ✔深粉红色
Deeppink ✔深蓝
Deepskyblue ✔暗灰色
Dimgray ✔道奇蓝
Dodgerblue ✔耐火砖
Firebrick ✔花白色
Floralwhite ✔森林绿
Forestgreen ✔恩斯伯勒
Gainsboro ✔幽灵般的白色
Ghostwhite ✔金子
Gold ✔金毛
Goldenrod ✔灰色的
Gray ✔黄绿色
Greenyellow ✔甘露
Honeydew ✔亮粉色
Hotpink ✔印第安人
Indianred ✔靛青
Indigo ✔象牙
Ivory ✔卡其色
Khaki ✔薰衣草
Lavender ✔薰衣草腮红
Lavenderblush ✔草坪绿
Lawngreen ✔柠檬雪纺
Lemonchiffon ✔浅蓝
Lightblue ✔淡珊瑚色
Lightcoral ✔浅青色
Lightcyan ✔浅金黄色
Lightgoldenrodyellow ✔浅绿色
Lightgreen ✔浅灰色
Lightgrey ✔浅粉红色
Lightpink ✔Lightsalmon
Lightsalmon ✔浅海绿色
Lightseagreen ✔天蓝色
Lightskyblue ✔光一体化
Lightslategray ✔浅蓝色
Lightsteelblue ✔浅黄色
Lightyellow ✔柠檬绿
Limegreen ✔亚麻布
Linen ✔品红
Magenta ✔中蓝
Mediumblue ✔兰花
Mediumorchid ✔中紫色
Mediumpurple ✔午夜蓝
Midnightblue ✔迷雾玫瑰
Mistyrose ✔莫卡辛
Moccasin ✔老花边
Oldlace ✔橘子
Orange ✔兰花
Orchid ✔桃扑
Peachpuff ✔秘鲁
Peru ✔粉色的
Pink ✔李子
Plum ✔紫色的
Purple ✔红褐色
Rosybrown ✔宝蓝色
Royalblue ✔三文鱼
Salmon ✔沙棕
Sandybrown ✔海绿色
Seagreen ✔赭色
Sienna ✔天蓝色
Skyblue ✔钢铁蓝
Steelblue ✔棕褐色
Tan ✔蓟
Thistle ✔番茄
Tomato ✔紫色
Violet ✔小麦
Wheat ✔白色的烟
Whitesmoke ✔黄色的
Yellow ✔黄绿色
Yellowgreen ✔宝蓝色
Royalblue ✔三文鱼
Salmon ✔沙棕
Sandybrown ✔天蓝色
Skyblue ✔赭色
Sienna ✔紫色
Violet ✔Colors Chinese Symbols, Letters, and Characters
Welcome to your ultimate resource for Colors Chinese Symbols, Letters, and Characters, where creativity meets vibrant expression! Explore beautifully written Chinese symbols for a spectrum of colors, complete with English translations, ready for you to copy and paste. Whether you’re enhancing your captions, bios, or designs, we’ve got everything you need—all in one place!

What You’ll Find
- Authentic Chinese Symbols: Discover characters like 红色 (Red), 蓝色 (Blue), and 金色 (Gold).
- Copy & Paste Ready: Simply click to copy your favorite symbols and paste them.
- Cultural Significance: Learn the meanings and symbolism of colors in Chinese culture.
Why Choose Us?
- Convenient: One-click copy-paste functionality saves time.
- Creative: Add unique color symbolism to your bios, captions, and designs.
- Educational: Gain insight into the cultural importance of Chinese colors.
Sample Symbols:
Chinese Symbol | English Translation | Copy |
红色 | Red | 📋 Copy |
蓝色 | Blue | 📋 Copy |
黄色 | Yellow | 📋 Copy |
黑色 | Black | 📋 Copy |
白色 | White | 📋 Copy |
紫色 | Purple | 📋 Copy |
绿色 | Green | 📋 Copy |
粉色 | Pink | 📋 Copy |
金色 | Gold | 📋 Copy |
银色 | Silver | 📋 Copy |
How to Use
- Browse our collection of Chinese color symbols.
- Click the “📋 Copy” button to copy your chosen character.
- Paste them into captions, bios, or creative designs for a vivid touch!
Elevate your content with the elegance of Chinese color symbols. Start exploring now!
Visit: Colors Chinese Symbols and Letters